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Eloise Stevens

Eloise is a Research Associate and Child Therapist.

Eloise is a Research Associate and a Child Therapist. Her current research interest lies in the development and testing of early years parenting programmes for both virtual delivery, and for different types of caregivers.

Eloise works with Prof Paul Ramchandani and Dr Christine O’Farrelly on the Play in Early Life team.

Her current projects include the development and testing of a virtual adaptation of a book sharing programme with young children, to promote language development and support the parent-child relationship (titled Playtime with Books). She is also examining the effectiveness of a video-feedback parenting programme (VIPP) in increasing caregiver sensitivity with different populations.

Eloise has been a trial co-ordinator and clinical supervisor on a number of different studies, testing video-feedback approaches with parents of children with behavioural difficulties, foster carers, parents with personality disorders, parents experiencing perinatal mental health problems, and teachers in primary schools.