Prof Anthony Pellegrini joined a group of esteemed academics as part of Dr Jenny Gibson & Dr Vicky Leong‘s two day symposium entitled ‘Breaking Barriers’ on 11th & 12th September 2017.
Looking at how research in the field can be enriched by new technology, Prof Pellegrini talked about the difficulty of defining play and why this impacts its research. You can see his talk here.
Dr Jenny Gibson and Dr Behzad Heravi spoke about HOPSCOTCH (Hi-Tech Observation of Playground Social Communication Trajectories in Children) – using wireless satellite navigation equipment to look at how the playground environment affects social interaction. You can see their talk here.
Dr Elian Fink gave a presentation ‘Baby Talk’ – a research project aimed to explore the association between infant-parent play at four months of age and the child’s linguistic environment in the home. Using a ‘talk-pedometer’ – a lightweight audio recorder worn by the child, able to record 16 hours of audio, researchers were able to measure adult word count, infant babbles and parent-infant turn-taking. You can see her talk here.
Alejandro Moreno presented research in the context of analysing and shaping children’s play behaviour in interactive playgrounds, technology-enhanced spaces where players engage in co-located, playful activities. You can see his talk here.