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PEDAL Hub Library

We’ve rounded up a set of high-quality play resources for you to explore. The library houses a collection of links that will take you to peer-reviewed publications, videos of play experts, and websites that may be of interest to you.

You can use the filters below to find the resources that best match your interests. The library can be sorted by format (journal papers, videos, blogs etc.), child age, and type of play.

Happy exploring!

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Play: How it Shapes the Brain, Opens the Imagination, and Invigorates the Soul
Title: Play: How it Shapes the Brain, Opens the Imagination, and Invigorates the Soul
Publication year: 2009
Date: 28/07/2022
Publisher or Journal:
The Efficacy of Play Therapy With Children: A Meta-Analytic Review of Treatment Outcomes
Title: The Efficacy of Play Therapy With Children: A Meta-Analytic Review of Treatment Outcomes
Publication year: 2005
Date: 28/07/2022
Volume: 36
Page/s: 376-390
Fathers and Mothers at Play With Their 2- and 3-Year-Olds: Contributions to Language and Cognitive Development
Title: Fathers and Mothers at Play With Their 2- and 3-Year-Olds: Contributions to Language and Cognitive Development
Publication year: 2004
Date: 28/07/2022
Volume: 75
Page/s: 1806-1820
ECE teachers’ views on play-based learning: a systematic review
Title: ECE teachers’ views on play-based learning: a systematic review
Publication year: 2019
Date: 02/11/2019
Volume: 27
Page/s: 776-800
Children’s Early Understanding of Mind: Origins and Development
Title: Children’s Early Understanding of Mind: Origins and Development
Publication year: 1994
Date: 28/07/1994
Publisher or Journal:
Wanting to Get It Right: Commentary on Lillard and Joseph
Title: Wanting to Get It Right: Commentary on Lillard and Joseph
Publication year: 1998
Date: 28/07/1998
Volume: 69
Page/s: 994-995
Randomized control trial of Tools of the Mind: Marked benefits to kindergarten children and their teachers
Title: Randomized control trial of Tools of the Mind: Marked benefits to kindergarten children and their teachers
Publication year: 2019
Date: 17/09/2019
Volume: 14
Page/s: e0222447
Randomized Video-Feedback Intervention in Home-Based Childcare: Improvement of Children’s Wellbeing Dependent on Time Spent with Trusted Caregiver
Title: Randomized Video-Feedback Intervention in Home-Based Childcare: Improvement of Children’s Wellbeing Dependent on Time Spent with Trusted Caregiver
Publication year: 2016
Date: 01/08/2016
Volume: 45
Page/s: 587-606
Do Intervention Programs in Child Care Promote the Quality of Caregiver-Child Interactions? A Meta-Analysis of Randomized Controlled Trials
Title: Do Intervention Programs in Child Care Promote the Quality of Caregiver-Child Interactions? A Meta-Analysis of Randomized Controlled Trials
Publication year: 2016
Date: 01/02/2016
Volume: 17
Page/s: 259-273
The Double-edged Sword of Pedagogy: Instruction limits spontaneous exploration and discovery
Title: The Double-edged Sword of Pedagogy: Instruction limits spontaneous exploration and discovery
Publication year: 2011
Date: 01/09/2011
Volume: 120
Page/s: 322-330
1 10 11 12 13 14 57

Make a suggestion

Let us know if you have a play-filled, well-researched article, blog, or video you think we should add to our library.