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PEDAL Hub Library

We’ve rounded up a set of high-quality play resources for you to explore. The library houses a collection of links that will take you to peer-reviewed publications, videos of play experts, and websites that may be of interest to you.

You can use the filters below to find the resources that best match your interests. The library can be sorted by format (journal papers, videos, blogs etc.), child age, and type of play.

Happy exploring!

Make a Suggestion

Effects of a cognitive behavioural play intervention on children’s hope and school adjustment
Title: Effects of a cognitive behavioural play intervention on children’s hope and school adjustment
Page/s: 137
Strengthening school readiness for Head Start children: Evaluation of a self-regulation intervention
Title: Strengthening school readiness for Head Start children: Evaluation of a self-regulation intervention
Publication year: 2015
Date: 01/01/2015
Volume: 30
Page/s: 20-31
Effects of the Zippy’s Friends Programme on Children’s Coping Abilities During the Transition from Kindergarten to Elementary School
Title: Effects of the Zippy’s Friends Programme on Children’s Coping Abilities During the Transition from Kindergarten to Elementary School
Publication year: 2006
Date: 01/08/2006
Volume: 34
Page/s: 53-60
Relations Between Fantasy Orientation and Emotion Regulation in Preschool
Title: Relations Between Fantasy Orientation and Emotion Regulation in Preschool
Publication year: 2015
Date: 03/10/2015
Volume: 26
Page/s: 920-932
Assessing different aspects of pretend play within a play setting: Towards a standardized assessment of pretend play in young children
Title: Assessing different aspects of pretend play within a play setting: Towards a standardized assessment of pretend play in young children
Publication year: 2010
Date: 28/07/2022
Volume: 28
Page/s: 331-345
Pretend Play, Coping, and Subjective Well-Being in Children
Title: Pretend Play, Coping, and Subjective Well-Being in Children
Publication year: 2012
Date: 28/07/2022
Page/s: 23
Spontaneous peer conversation in preschoolers with high-functioning autism spectrum disorder versus typical development
Title: Spontaneous peer conversation in preschoolers with high-functioning autism spectrum disorder versus typical development
Publication year: 2014
Date: 28/07/2022
Volume: 55
Page/s: 363-373
A Randomized Controlled Trial of a Play-Based, Peer-Mediated Pragmatic Language Intervention for Children With Autism
Title: A Randomized Controlled Trial of a Play-Based, Peer-Mediated Pragmatic Language Intervention for Children With Autism
Publication year: 2019
Date: 27/08/2019
Volume: 10
The games they play: Observations of children with autism spectrum disorder on the school playground
Title: The games they play: Observations of children with autism spectrum disorder on the school playground
Publication year: 2019
Date: 01/08/2019
Volume: 23
Page/s: 1343-1353
A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis of Interventions to Improve Play Skills in Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder
Title: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis of Interventions to Improve Play Skills in Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder
Publication year: 2019
Date: 29/07/2019
1 12 13 14 15 16 57

Make a suggestion

Let us know if you have a play-filled, well-researched article, blog, or video you think we should add to our library.