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PEDAL Hub Library

We’ve rounded up a set of high-quality play resources for you to explore. The library houses a collection of links that will take you to peer-reviewed publications, videos of play experts, and websites that may be of interest to you.

You can use the filters below to find the resources that best match your interests. The library can be sorted by format (journal papers, videos, blogs etc.), child age, and type of play.

Happy exploring!

Make a Suggestion

Play as learning: implications for educators and parents from findings of a national evaluation of school readiness in Ireland
Title: Play as learning: implications for educators and parents from findings of a national evaluation of school readiness in Ireland
Publication year: 2018
Date: 02/09/2018
Volume: 7
Page/s: 266-289
‘We call this “play”, however…’: Navigating ‘play anxiety’ in early childhood education and care markets
Title: ‘We call this “play”, however…’: Navigating ‘play anxiety’ in early childhood education and care markets
Publication year: 2019
Date: 01/06/2019
Volume: 17
Page/s: 116-128
Role of Play in Social Skills and Intelligence of Children
Title: Role of Play in Social Skills and Intelligence of Children
Publication year: 2011
Date: 01/01/2011
Volume: 30
Page/s: 2272-2279
Play is indispensable for an adequate development of coping with social challenges in the rat.
Title: Play is indispensable for an adequate development of coping with social challenges in the rat.
Publication year: 1999
Date: 28/07/1999
Volume: 34
Page/s: 129-138
Social and non-social play
Title: Social and non-social play
Publication year: 2001
Date: 01/01/2001
Page/s: 39-71
Social participation among pre-school children.
Title: Social participation among pre-school children.
The Development of Play
Title: The Development of Play
Publication year: 2015
Date: 28/07/2022
Publisher or Journal:
Page/s: 1-44
Relations Between Parents’ Interactive Style in Dyadic and Triadic Play and Toddlers’ Symbolic Capacity
Title: Relations Between Parents’ Interactive Style in Dyadic and Triadic Play and Toddlers’ Symbolic Capacity
Publication year: 2005
Date: 28/07/2022
Volume: 75
Page/s: 599-607
Teacher or playmate? Asian immigrant and Euro-American parents’ participation in their young children’s daily activities
Title: Teacher or playmate? Asian immigrant and Euro-American parents’ participation in their young children’s daily activities
Publication year: 2008
Date: 03/01/2008
Volume: 36
Page/s: 163-176-176
Cultural variations in the play of toddlers:
Title: Cultural variations in the play of toddlers:
Publication year: 2016
Date: 30/06/2016
1 16 17 18 19 20 57

Make a suggestion

Let us know if you have a play-filled, well-researched article, blog, or video you think we should add to our library.