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PEDAL Hub Library

We’ve rounded up a set of high-quality play resources for you to explore. The library houses a collection of links that will take you to peer-reviewed publications, videos of play experts, and websites that may be of interest to you.

You can use the filters below to find the resources that best match your interests. The library can be sorted by format (journal papers, videos, blogs etc.), child age, and type of play.

Happy exploring!

Make a Suggestion

Seeking Refuge, Losing Hope: Parents and Children in Immigration Detention
Title: Seeking Refuge, Losing Hope: Parents and Children in Immigration Detention
Publication year: 2002
Date: 01/06/2002
Volume: 10
Page/s: 91-96
What Are the Peer Interaction Strengths and Difficulties in Children with Developmental Language Disorder? A Systematic Review
Title: What Are the Peer Interaction Strengths and Difficulties in Children with Developmental Language Disorder? A Systematic Review
Publication year: 2020
Date: 01/01/2020
Volume: 17
Page/s: 3140
Puppet Therapy with Pediatric Bone Marrow Transplant Patients
Title: Puppet Therapy with Pediatric Bone Marrow Transplant Patients
Publication year: 1986
Date: 28/07/1986
Volume: 11
Page/s: 37-46
Bridging a Cultural Divide Between Play and Learning: Parental Ethnotheories of Young Children’s Play and Their Instantiation in Contemporary China
Title: Bridging a Cultural Divide Between Play and Learning: Parental Ethnotheories of Young Children’s Play and Their Instantiation in Contemporary China
Publication year: 2019
Date: 02/01/2019
Volume: 30
Page/s: 82-97
Social spaces for young children in hospital
Title: Social spaces for young children in hospital
Publication year: 2014
Date: 28/07/2022
Volume: 40
Page/s: 195-204
Therapeutic play and bone marrow transplantation
Title: Therapeutic play and bone marrow transplantation
Publication year: 1996
Date: 01/12/1996
Volume: 11
Page/s: 359-367
Refugee children’s sandplay narratives in immigration detention in Canada
Title: Refugee children’s sandplay narratives in immigration detention in Canada
Publication year: 2018
Date: 01/04/2018
Volume: 27
Page/s: 423-437
Asylum-seeking children’s experiences of detention in Canada: A qualitative study
Title: Asylum-seeking children’s experiences of detention in Canada: A qualitative study
Publication year: 2015
Date: 28/07/2022
Volume: 85
Page/s: 287-294
Differences in Theory of Mind and Pretend Play Associations in Children with and Without Specific Language Impairment
Title: Differences in Theory of Mind and Pretend Play Associations in Children with and Without Specific Language Impairment
Publication year: 2016
Date: 28/07/2022
Volume: 25
Page/s: 24-42
Active play: An important physical activity strategy in the fight against childhood obesity
Title: Active play: An important physical activity strategy in the fight against childhood obesity
Publication year: 2014
Date: 01/01/2014
Volume: 105
Page/s: e22-e27
1 2 3 4 5 6 57

Make a suggestion

Let us know if you have a play-filled, well-researched article, blog, or video you think we should add to our library.