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Category: Primary (5-11)

Hands-on activities and children’s learning

6 July 2022

Elizabeth Byrne, Paul Ramchandani, Kayleigh Skene, Thomas Chupein, Hanne Jensen, Celia Hsiao, Bo Stjerne Thomsen, Amy Jo Dowd

Play in the Pandemic: The impact of quarantine and restrictive environments on children’s play

6 July 2020

Kelsey Graber, Elizabeth Byrne, Emily Goodacre, Natalie Kirby, Krishna Kulkarni, Christine O'Farrelly, and Paul Ramchandani.

Finding out more about our work in the PEDAL Centre…

6 July 2019

By 2019, PEDAL had been running for four years. This journal article draws together several of our projects which focus on 'measuring play'.