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Category: Blog Post
Narrative Matters: ‘Encanto’ and intergenerational trauma
20 September 2022
Read a summary of Sydney Conroy's publication about how themes in Encanto might support children's mental health.
Moving toward a strengths-based understanding of autistic people’s play
6 July 2022
How do autistic adults experience and view their play?
Four playful ways to help with anxiety
6 July 2022
How can we use play to help our bodies recognise we are safe and reduce our anxiety level?
Scoping the evidence: Hands-on learning with physical manipulatives
6 July 2022
How can physical manipulatives encourage children's active engagement in everyday learning?
‘Just fun’ – or fundamental? Finding fun in early adolescent self-concept
6 July 2022
Is fun an integral part of young peoples' selves, or is it a frivolous extra?
Children bouncing back: How families can use play to help children transition to post-lockdown life
6 July 2022
How can families use play to support their children as they transition to post-lockdown life?
A: Astronauts, play and COVID testing
6 July 2022
How can we use play to help children engage with the COVID-19 swab?
B: Building Blocks: The power of the brick
6 July 2022
How can block play support children's development?
C: Connected communication: Talking about play
6 July 2022
What do we mean by ‘connected communication’ and what does it look like during children’s play?