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Category: Journal Article

Narrative Matters: ‘Encanto’ and intergenerational trauma
20 September 2022
Read a summary of Sydney Conroy's publication about how themes in Encanto might support children's mental health.

How to communicate with children, according to Health Play Specialists in the United Kingdom: A qualitative study
2 August 2022
Paulina Pérez-Duarte Mendiola

Reconstructing readiness: Young children’s priorities for their early school adjustment
8 January 2019
This video provides an overview of the Children’s Thoughts about School Study (CTSS). CTSS was integrated into the evaluation of a community-led initiative called Preparing for Life (PFL) run by the UCD Geary Institute. The PFL aimed to improve levels of school readiness for children living in several disadvantaged areas of Dublin, Ireland. In the […]

What matters to children themselves when they start school?
6 May 2020
Christine O'Farrelly, Ailbhe Booth (University College Dublin), Mimi Tatlow-Golden (The Open University), and Beth Barker

Supporting families with their children’s behaviour: The Healthy Start, Happy Start Study
6 June 2021
Christine O’Farrelly, Hilary Watt, Daphne Babalis, Marian Bakermans-Kranenburg, Beth Barker, Sarah Byford, Poushali Ganguli, Ellen Grimas, Jane Iles, Holly Mattock, Julia McGinley, Charlotte Phillips, Rachael Ryan, Stephen Scott, Jessica Smith, Alan Stein, Eloise Stevens, Marinus van IJzendoorn, Jane Warwick, Paul Ramchandani.

The protective effects of peer play against mental health problems
27 July 2022
Yiran Vicky Zhao, Jenny Gibson

Symbolic play and autistic children’s structural language development
27 July 2022
Yiran Vicky Zhao, Jenny Gibson

Links between mums’ mental health and children’s pretend play
6 July 2021
Zhen Rao, Beth Barker, Christine O'Farrelly, and Paul Ramchandani

Play in the Pandemic: The impact of quarantine and restrictive environments on children’s play
6 July 2020
Kelsey Graber, Elizabeth Byrne, Emily Goodacre, Natalie Kirby, Krishna Kulkarni, Christine O'Farrelly, and Paul Ramchandani.

Links between children’s “aggressive” pretend play and real-life aggression
6 June 2020
Zhen Rao, Elian Fink, and Jenny Gibson