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Category: Communication & Language Development
B: Building Blocks: The power of the brick
6 July 2022
How can block play support children's development?
C: Connected communication: Talking about play
6 July 2022
What do we mean by ‘connected communication’ and what does it look like during children’s play?
E: Executive functions and their role in games
6 July 2022
How do everyday activities and games use children's executive functions?
G: Games in the classroom: Creativity, cognition and the curriculum
6 July 2022
How can games facilitate classroom engagement and children's learning?
I: Infants and play: Do babies learn through play?
6 July 2022
Do babies learn through play? The evidence tells us they do but we still have much to learn...
S: Social play and its importance – it takes two!
6 July 2022
What skills do children need to play together and how can we help them along the way?
U: Unconventional ideas: What is creativity and how can it be nurtured?
5 July 2022
Why are play researchers interested in creativity?
Play and Self-regulation
5 July 2022
Self-regulation helps a child guide their thoughts, emotions and behaviours to accomplish a goal – how does play support this important area of development?
David Whitebread Memorial Lecture 2022: Theory and Research on Self-Regulated Learning Meet Real Life in Classrooms
15 June 2022
PEDAL and the Whitebread family come together annually for the David Whitebread Memorial Lecture to celebrate the memory of Dr David Whitebread, PEDAL’s founder and a pioneer in early childhood development research. This is a recording of the inaugural David Whitebread Memorial Lecture, given by Professor Nancy Perry from the University of British Columbia in […]
Agency in Play: Making Space for Children’s Agency With Learning Through Play
6 December 2021
This short animation summarises a new theoretical paper written by the Play in Schools & Learning team that explains the role of play in supporting children’s agency in their learning. How can you make space for children’s agency in their learning? By including play! Play develops children’s motivation and self-regulation, both of which support children’s […]