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Category: International Research

All Work and No Play? Busting the Binary in Majority World Settings

21 June 2023

In this Play Piece, Stephen discusses whether work and play are different, and the value of play as distinct from work.

Play in South African autism schools: why are formalised ethical processes important?

3 May 2023

Why are culturally sensitive approaches to research ethics so important?

Ruptured school trajectories: understanding the impact of COVID-19 on school dropout, socio-emotional and academic learning using a longitudinal design

1 December 2022

Stephen Bayley, Prof Paul Ramchandani, Research for Equitable Access and Learning (REAL) Centre, Addis Ababa University, RISE Ethiopia

Exploring the Perceptions of Teachers and Parents on the Use of Play-Based Pedagogy in Kenya

8 September 2022

In this talk, PEDAL PhD student Domnick Okullo presents their doctoral research project – which explores teachers’ and parents’ perceptions of the use of play-based learning in preschools in Kenya. This presentation was recorded on the 8th September 2022 as part of the PEDAL Play Conference, an event which brought together play researchers interested in […]

Pedagogy of Play: What Playful Learning Involves (And Why It Is Important)

8 September 2022

Around the world, research trends are showing that there is more play and playfulness in schools. From age four to fourteen (and beyond), children are leading their own learning, exploring the unknown, and finding joy in facing challenges at school. However, most students beyond early childhood do not currently have the opportunity to learn playfully […]

L: Links with learning? Uncovering parental attitudes towards play in diverse contexts

6 July 2022

What role do parents consider play has in their children's development and learning?

Parent Cooperative Early Learning: The Playcentre Approach

5 July 2022

Whānau Tupu Ngātahii means families growing together. Paul Crowhurst tells us more about Playcentre, a family-led, play-based approach to early childhood education in New Zealand.

Power of Play: Evidence on Playful Early Learning in Bangladesh and BRAC’s PlayBook Launch

6 December 2021

Early childhood is a critical time in a child’s development and life. When play is integrated into how we care for and educate young children, it promotes their development and helps them grow into adaptable, resilient, socially and emotionally literate adults who can navigate the world and overcome the adversities of poverty, crisis and conflict […]

Play in Green Spaces: A PEDAL panel discussion

25 March 2021

Adults instinctively feel that playing outside is good for children, but what is actually known about the benefits of play in green spaces? As cities around the world continue to expand, more children are growing up without access to the countryside, or even to parks and gardens. Playtime takes place indoors or in the built […]

PEDAL September Speaker Series: The Way We Play – Potential in Play

28 September 2020

This webinar was part of our September Speaker Series, recorded in September 2020. These lunchtime sessions aimed to bring together academics, practitioners & policymakers to discuss some of play research’s key issues virtually during the COVID-19 pandemic. In this session, speakers focused on the potential of play in interventions, and also during the pandemic, for […]