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Category: Schools & Learning

‘Just fun’ – or fundamental? Finding fun in early adolescent self-concept

6 July 2022

Is fun an integral part of young peoples' selves, or is it a frivolous extra?

G: Games in the classroom: Creativity, cognition and the curriculum

6 July 2022

How can games facilitate classroom engagement and children's learning?

J: Juggling play and learning: The role of guided play

6 July 2022

How can we bring play and learning together to support children's development?

L: Links with learning? Uncovering parental attitudes towards play in diverse contexts

6 July 2022

What role do parents consider play has in their children's development and learning?

N: Nature and outdoor play

6 July 2022

Why is it so important for children to get outdoors to play and learn in nature?

O: Oppression, agency, play and education

6 July 2022

What would organised education look like with agency at its heart?

Q: Quality research for quality classroom practice

6 July 2022

How can we ensure that research is accessible and feasible in our classrooms?

T: Transitions: Play and the transition to school

6 July 2022

How can we use play to support children in their transition to school?

U: Unconventional ideas: What is creativity and how can it be nurtured?

5 July 2022

Why are play researchers interested in creativity?

Z: Zest! Motivation and playful learning in the classroom

5 July 2022

How can teachers harness children's inner drive to learn?