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Category: Social and Emotional Development

Infographic on Children’s Executive Functions

9 October 2024

This infographic on executive functions can be shared with ECD practitioners, teachers, parents, caregivers, health professionals, and anyone else interested in children’s cognitive development.

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The therapeutic powers of play: play therapy as a mental health treatment

5 December 2023

In this lecture Siobhán Prendiville (Children’s Therapy Centre in Ireland) talks about the therapeutic powers of play and highlights how well Play Therapy sits within a neurosequential approach to psychotherapy. This presentation was recorded on 7th September 2023 as part of the PEDAL Play Conference, an event which brought together play researchers, policymakers, and practitioners […]

PEDAL Conference logo

Public health campaigns: supporting infant mental health through encouraging playful interactions

5 December 2023

In this lecture Margaret Gallagher (NSPCC) and Alex Spragg (Better Start Bradford) talk about how two public health campaigns supported infant mental health through encouraging playful interactions. This presentation was recorded on 7th September 2023 as part of the PEDAL Play Conference, an event which brought together play researchers, policymakers, and practitioners spotlighting the benefits […]

Play in the face of adversity

1 November 2023

Read our paper for the Scottish Children's Commissioner about the value of play for children in the asylum seeking system.

All Work and No Play? Busting the Binary in Majority World Settings

21 June 2023

In this Play Piece, Stephen discusses whether work and play are different, and the value of play as distinct from work.

Infant Mental Health Awareness Week 2023: Understanding Infant Mental Health

13 June 2023

 In this short animation for Infant Mental Health Awareness Week 2023, PEDAL’s Senior Policy Fellow Sally Hogg explains what we mean by ‘mental health’ in infancy and early childhood. You can also find more information and useful resources for supporting children’s mental health in the early years by clicking here.

Understanding and supporting mental health in infancy and early childhood: A PEDAL and UNICEF UK Toolkit

14 April 2023

There is widespread concern about babies’, children’s and young people’s mental health in the UK, particularly after the pandemic. Surveys of children, young people, parents, grandparents and teachers all reveal worries about mental health. Significant evidence shows us that the foundations for lifelong mental health are laid during pregnancy and the earliest years of life. Thankfully, this is more widely […]

Play, physical activity, and physical health

5 April 2023

How can active play help improve children's access to physical activity and their physical health?

Early Years Library

9 January 2023

Learn more about these free resources designed to help early childhood education practitioners support young children’s development of essential skills.

The Links Between Play and Children’s Mental Health

8 September 2022

In this presentation, Professor Helen Dodd from the University of Exeter explains how play has changed over time, and explores how adventurous play might be considered a protective factors when it comes to children’s mental health. This talk formed part of the PEDAL Play Conference 2022, an event which brought together play researchers interested in […]