The protective effects of peer play against mental health problems
Yiran Vicky Zhao, Jenny Gibson
Symbolic play and autistic children’s structural language development
Yiran Vicky Zhao, Jenny Gibson
Hands-on activities and children’s learning
Elizabeth Byrne, Paul Ramchandani, Kayleigh Skene, Thomas Chupein, Hanne Jensen, Celia Hsiao, Bo Stjerne Thomsen, Amy Jo Dowd
Links between mums’ mental health and children’s pretend play
Zhen Rao, Beth Barker, Christine O'Farrelly, and Paul Ramchandani
Coping with Changes: Supporting social and emotional learning in early childhood
Natalie Kirby, Elizabeth Byrne, and Paul Ramchandani
Play in the Pandemic: The impact of quarantine and restrictive environments on children’s play
Kelsey Graber, Elizabeth Byrne, Emily Goodacre, Natalie Kirby, Krishna Kulkarni, Christine O'Farrelly, and Paul Ramchandani.
Links between children’s “aggressive” pretend play and real-life aggression
Zhen Rao, Elian Fink, and Jenny Gibson
Finding out more about our work in the PEDAL Centre…
By 2019, PEDAL had been running for four years. This journal article draws together several of our projects which focus on 'measuring play'.