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Innovative approaches to support language development and the home learning environment

This is a recording from the PEDAL Conference 2024 which took place on 11 September 2024. This year's theme was "Innovative ways to bridge the gap between evidence and action for babies and children". Rob Newton talks about Early Talk for York, a city-wide evidence-informed approach to improve speech, language and communication of children aged 0 to 5 years.

PEDAL’s Prof Jenny Gibson and City of York Council’s Rob Newton present: Innovative approaches to support language development and the home learning environment. In this session, Jenny presents her research findings that demonstrate the connections between a high-quality early language and communication environment in the home and children’s later school readiness and literacy outcomes in key stage 2.

Rob talks about Early Talk for York, a city-wide evidence-informed approach to improve speech, language and communication of children aged 0 to 5 years.

Jenny is Professor of Neurodiversity and Developmental Psychology at the Faculty of Education, and co-director of PEDAL. Her work at PEDAL focuses on investigating the role of play in children’s social development, and the rigorous development of meaningful and reliable ways to measure play. She also leads a research team investigating the question ‘what is play?’.

Rob Newton is Local Evidence Lead and Early Years Innovation Lead, City of York Council. Rob comes from a background of teaching and school leadership and has spent the last 6 years working in local government across the diverse early years sector with a particular focus on improving outcomes for children in the first 5 years of their lives.  He is particularly interested in place based, collaborative approaches and a relentless focus on high quality implementation as a crucial ingredient for success.