Around the world, research trends are showing that there is more play and playfulness in schools. From age four to fourteen (and beyond), children are leading their own learning, exploring the unknown, and finding joy in facing challenges at school. However, most students beyond early childhood do not currently have the opportunity to learn playfully in school. This project aims to bring specificity to a pedagogy of play, by encouraging educators to ask what does playful learning look like and feel like in different contexts? It also seeks to help educators explain to their families, their colleagues and policymakers why playful learning matters.
This talk with Ben Mardell from Harvard University formed part of the PEDAL Play Conference 2022, an event which brought together play researchers interested in play in different cultures, learning environments, and promoting positive health and wellbeing outcomes for young people.
For more information about the conference, please click here.
This talk was recorded on the 8th September 2022.

PEDAL Play Conference 2022
Click here to watch more videos from the PEDAL Play Conference 2022.